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Spring Home Maintenance: Tips to Keep Critters Away

Khoa Le
Apr 12 5 minutes read

As the snow melts away and the flowers begin to bloom, spring is the perfect time to give your home some much-needed attention. While you're busy tidying up and refreshing your space, it's essential not to overlook one crucial aspect of home maintenance: keeping critters out! With the warmer weather, pests like mice, squirrels, and insects may seek refuge in your home, causing damage and inconvenience. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into practical tips to seal up exterior gaps and ensure that unwanted visitors stay outside where they belong.

Inspect Your Home's Exterior  

Before diving into any maintenance tasks, take a thorough stroll around the exterior of your home. Look closely for any gaps, cracks, or openings that could serve as potential entry points for pests. Check along the foundation, siding, doors, windows, and areas where utility lines enter your home. Even the smallest crevice can provide access for pests, so be diligent in your inspection.

Fill in the Gaps   

Once you've identified any openings, it's time to take action. Arm yourself with caulking, weatherstripping, or foam sealant and start sealing up those gaps. Focus on areas where different building materials meet, such as where siding meets the foundation or around window frames. Additionally, pay attention to gaps around utility penetrations like pipes and wires. By effectively sealing these gaps, you not only prevent pests from entering but also improve your home's energy efficiency by reducing drafts.

Don't Forget the Attic and Basement

While inspecting the exterior, don't neglect to check less frequently visited areas such as the attic and basement. These dark, secluded spaces are prime real estate for pests seeking shelter. Look for openings around vents, chimneys, and eaves, as well as any cracks in the foundation or walls. Seal off these entry points with appropriate materials, ensuring a comprehensive barrier against unwanted intruders.

Trim Overhanging Branches

As you survey your property, pay attention to any overhanging branches from nearby trees or shrubs. These branches not only provide a convenient pathway for pests to access your home but can also pose a risk of damage during storms. Trim back branches that come into contact with your home's exterior, keeping them at least a few feet away to discourage critters from making the leap.

Maintain Your Yard

A well-maintained yard not only enhances your home's curb appeal but also deters pests from taking up residence. Keep your lawn mowed and free of debris, such as leaves and fallen branches, which can provide hiding spots for pests. Regularly prune bushes and shrubs to eliminate potential nesting areas, and consider creating a barrier of gravel or mulch around the perimeter of your home to discourage pests from venturing too close.

Call in the Pros if Needed

A well-maintained yard not only enhances your home's curb appeal but also deters pests from taking up residence. Keep your lawn mowed and free of debris, such as leaves and fallen branches, which can provide hiding spots for pests. Regularly prune bushes and shrubs to eliminate potential nesting areas, and consider creating a barrier of gravel or mulch around the perimeter of your home to discourage pests from venturing too close.

By taking proactive steps to seal up exterior gaps and make your home less inviting to pests, you can enjoy a critter-free spring and summer season. From inspecting your home's exterior to trimming overhanging branches and maintaining your yard, each task plays a crucial role in keeping pests at bay.

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